Reading glasses (PRESBYOPIA)

Conditions we treat

Reading glasses (PRESBYOPIA)

Everyone’s vision deteriorates as they get older. 

From 45 years of age close vision gradually gets harder if you have great distance vision, with or without glasses or contacts . Your eye’s “zoom lens” behind your pupil doesn’t change focus (accommodate) from far to close like it used to. This is called presbyopia, and is when people start using reading glasses or multifocal/bifocal glasses or contacts to give additional focus for closer work.

Presbyopia is an important consideration when developing a personalised vision correction plan, particularly for patients approaching or beyond 45 years of age.

Options for presbyopia, to use reading glasses less include

  1. Hyperopic SMILE Pro with OcuLign (Minimally invasive no flap laser eye surgery): The least invasive vision correction technology for presbyopia involves creating a and very superficial 2mm short incision in the surface of your cornea and removing a very thin amount of cornea to correct astigmatism. Laser Vision SA was this first eye laser surgery practice in Adelaide to provide this latest technology
  2. LASIK (Laser Assisted In-situ Keratomileusis): This procedure involves creating a thin flap in the cornea, reshaping the underlying corneal tissue with a laser to correct the refractive error, and then repositioning the flap
  3. Clear lens extraction where the ageing zoom lens behind your pupil is replaced with a permanent artificial lens (IOL) that can give distance and intermediate vision (EDOF IOLs) or even near as well (trifocal IOL) in a procedure very similar to cataract surgery

Get in touch

If you use reading glasses and want to find out more about your options for laser vision correction book a free laser eye assessment.